What is a Word Count?
What is a Word Count?
An accurate count of the words in a file, document, or section of text is known as a word count.
Example of Word Count:
An example of a sentence with many words is shown below. This statement would return "9" as the number of words if it were entered into a word-counting software program.
In this example sentence, the word count is nine.
Remember that the majority of software count words by scanning the line for any text that is not indented. The word count would also return "9" for the text in the example below.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Softwares That Offer the Word Count Feature
On your computer, you may already have several softwares installed or add more to get a word count.
The many ways to calculate a word count on a computer or online are listed below.
#1. Microsoft Word:
The word count option in Microsoft Word can be accessed in the Tools menu or on the Review tab.
Microsoft Word's word count tool also shows the document's page count, character count (both with and without spaces), paragraph count, and line count.
The document's word count is displayed if the Microsoft Word status bar is displayed at the bottom. If the status bar appears but the word count is not shown, right-click the status bar to make sure the Word count option is selected.
#2. Google Docs
You can access the word count tool by selecting Tools from the menu bar and then Word count in Google Docs. Additionally, you can use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+C.
#3. Word Count With Online Tool Such As app.techabu.co
Several online tools are available to count the words in your document. Any text can be used online; simply copy it, then paste it into the tool.
SpotWebTools' online Word Counter lets you count words in your document. Furthermore, it counts not only the words in your documents but also the paragraphs, characters, characters (with spaces), and much more.
To access the tool just visit this URL: https://app.techabu.co/word-counter

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