Digital Converter
Easily convert computer storage units such as Bit, Byte, Kilobyte, Megabyte, and so on!
Every computer system requires computer memory, which is one of the essential components. It is an electronic storage unit for computer-accessible instructions and data. Computer memory is used to temporarily or permanently store data or programs for usage in a computer.
Basic Units of Computer Memory
Bit and Byte are basic memory measurement units.
- Bit: In computers, a bit, often known as a binary digit, is the basic unit of information. The lowest amount of Memory that a computer can identify is a bit. Only one of two values, ‘0’ or ‘1,’ can be stored in a bit. It can also refer to a computer memory unit that represents the capability to store the result of choice between two options.
Information is represented in binary code, written as a series of 0s and 1s. To represent 0s and 1s, each binary digit can be stored by any physical system that can be in one of two stable states. The term “bi-stable” refers to such a system. Many bits are combined in computers to store more information. A byte, for example, is made up of eight bits and can store up to 256 characters.
- Byte: A byte is an eight-bit data unit used in most computer systems. A byte is a unit of measurement used by most computers to represent a character like an alphabet, a number, or a special symbol.
For example, B, r, 9, $, #, etc. Bytes multiples are used to measure computer storage. A 500 Gigabyte (500 GB) hard disk, for example, can store 500 billion bytes of data.
Higher Memory Units Used In Computer
Some higher memory units are discussed below. These are the digital information storage multiples of the unit byte.
- Kilobyte (KB): Kilo means one thousand (1,000), however in a digital computer, information is stored in binary digits (0, 1), and its units are powers of two, with 210 = 1024 being the closest number to a thousand.
- Megabyte (MB): The term “mega” refers to a million (220 = 10,48576). It is commonly abbreviated as MB (MegaByte). 1 MB = 1024 KB.
- Gigabyte (GB): Giga is a prefix that means 230. The Gigabyte is abbreviated as GB. 1 GB = 1024 MB.
- Terabyte (TB): Tera is a prefix that means 240. The Terabyte is abbreviated as TB. 1 TB = 1024 GB.
About This Tool:
Let's say you want to create a partition in your computer but don't know how much MB (Megabytes) equals how much GB (Gigabytes). Because when creating partitions in your computer system, it shows the size in the form of MB (Megabytes), for instance, 24, 378, and it might be difficult to find out how much that number is equivalent to. In this case, our digital converter has your back. With a few clicks, you can use this free tool to convert any computer memory unit to another.
How To Use This Tool To Convert Computer Memory Units?
- Enter any value in the first field.
- After that, select the unit of the memory you want to convert from.
- Click on the "Calculate" Button.

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