Color Converter
Convert a color between formats like HEX, RGB, HSL and CMYK.
About This Tool:
With the help of this tool, you can easily convert the color into formats like HEX, RGB, HSL, CMYK, etc. Just enter the color name and click on the "Convert" button to convert your color. Our tool will convert your color to RGB, HEX, HSL, HSV, and CMYK.
What is HEX?
Hexadecimal is a numbering system with a base of 16. With fewer digits, it can be used to represent large numbers.
This system consists of six alphabetic letters, A, B, C, D, E, and F, followed by 16 symbols, or possibly digit values from 0 to 9. These symbols are used to represent single-bit decimal numbers between 10 and 15.
In mathematics and information technology, hex is used to represent binary values because it is more visually appealing. Hex is a language used to write binary in an abbreviated manner since each hex character represents four binary digits.
A half-byte (also known as a nibble) is made up of four binary digits. Accordingly, a single byte can store binary values between 0000 0000 and 1111 1111. These can be more amiably expressed in hex, where they range from 00 to FF.
In HTML coding, colors are represented by a 6-digit hexadecimal number. For example, white color is denoted by FFFFFF, whereas black is denoted by 000000.
What is RGB?
Red, Green, and Blue, or RGB, is a process of representing the colors that will be shown on a computer screen. To create any color in the visible spectrum, red, green, and blue can be mixed in different ratios. R, G, and B levels can each be anywhere between 0% and 100% of maximum intensity. The decimal digits 0 to 255 (256 levels for each color) represent each level. These values are equal to the binary numbers 00000000 to 11111111 or the hexadecimal numerals 00 to FF. There are 16,777,216 possible colours, or 256 x 256 x 256, total available colours.
The color for a page background or text font in HTML is defined by an RGB value, which is stated with six digits in hexadecimal format. The red level is represented by the first and second numbers, the green level by the third and fourth, and the blue level by the fifth and sixth digits. The computer display system must have 24 bits to describe each pixel's color to display the colors for all potential values. An approximate representation of the specified color will be shown in display modes or systems with fewer bits for showing colors.
Because many screens can only handle 256 colors and PC and Mac Web browsers handle 40 of these 256 colors somewhat differently, it is recommended to utilize a much smaller range of RGB values when developing Web sites. A palette of the 216 colors shared by PC and Web browsers is advised to guarantee that your colors will be consistent across both browsers. Any other color will be dithering outside of these.
What is HSL?
Hue, Saturation, and Lightness are referred to as HSL. HSL values are significantly more understandable than RGB values, which combine a color's Red, Green, and Blue values to express it.
- Hue: Degrees are used to represent the color's hue in a circle. Consider a color wheel where 0 degrees stands for red, 180 degrees for cyan, and 360 degrees for the same red.
- Saturation: The saturation, expressed as a percentage ranging from 0 to 100, controls how gray the color seems to be. While a color with 0% saturation will be a shade of gray with no color, a color with 100% saturation will have no gray at all.
- Lightness: The brightness, which controls how white or dark a color is, is also expressed as a percentage. If a color is 50% lighter than it was initially, no more white or black was applied. More white is added to the color as the proportion rises over 50%, and this process continues until the color is completely white at 100% lightness. As the proportion falls below 50%, additional black is added to the color until it reaches total black at 0% lightness.
What is HSV?
The Hue Saturation Value (HSV) scale gives you a numerical reading of your image that matches the color names it contains. From 0 to 360, the hue is measured in degrees.
What is CMYK?
The letters CMYK stand for Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Key; these are the printing-related colors. Using these four colors, dots of ink are used in a printing press to create the picture.
Actually, "key" means "black." It is known as Key because it is the primary color influencing how a picture will turn out. While the other colors produce different colors on the spectrum depending on how they are combined, black ink adds depth and shade. For instance, the result is green when cyan and yellow are combined.

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